Miscellaneous Vintage Technology

We have a variety of miscellaneous vintage technology rented for any photoshoot, production or staging in New York, NY!


We offer delivery or pick at our location. Anything to help you get the job done.


We are the prop specialists, with your talent and our props let’s make magic!

Video Cameras

quaster camcorder vintage prop high quality nyc prop


REA VHS camcorder prop rental nyc prop house


Vintage video camcorder profesional grade prop rental New York prop house


REA vintage video recorder camcorder nyc prop rentals



NYC prop rentals vintage over head projector prop house serving NYC brooklyn area


vintage yellow over head projector ny prop rentals NYC prop house


library prop rental prop house nyc/new york brooklyn


Type Writers

vintage blue type writer nyc/New York prop house


smith corona typerwriter prop rental NY prop house


What’s next? This is only the beginning, check out our vintage classic Telephone Prop Rentals here!

You must like to see things that still exist. We have quite a few classics for rental, but you should check out what these other people are doing for their visuals here at Evil Mad Scientists.